How to Prepare for a Job Interview: Job Interview Tips

Going on a job interview can be incredibly intimidating if you are not properly prepared. However, if you know what to do, if you have taken the time to prepare yourself, and if you go in with confidence, then you will do extremely well. There are many job interview tips that can be helpful; although the process is extremely detailed, the right kind of preparation will go a long way toward securing you the job you want.

Before the interview itself, it is your job to do a bit of work. For example, you need to know as much as possible about the company for which you are interviewing, in addition to learning about the position for which you are applying. You need to know why and how you are qualified, and be aware of the information on your resume. This will allow you to talk about your experiences and qualifications. It is also a good idea to practice potential resume questions. You can have a friend help you anticipate potential questions; be prepared to answer inquiries based on your strengths and your weaknesses, as well as broad questions regarding your interest in the position.

The way you dress for the interview is equally important. The moment you walk into the interview room, you will make a first impression based on the way you look, so it is vital to come across as professionally as possible. You need to be dressed properly in business or business casual attire. You should avoid hair products, perfumes, colognes, and lotions that smell strongly, and you should not be chewing gum during the interview. If you bring your cell phone along, make sure to turn it off during the meeting.

It is a good idea to arrive to the interview early, but only by ten minutes. While you may think you are making a good impression by showing up half an hour early, this behavior may be misconstrued as rude. You need to remember that your interviewer scheduled the interview for a specific time and expects you to be able to follow those directions. There are several things you should bring along, such as your resume - along with extra copies - and any other paperwork you think you may need. For instance, you could bring along your driver's license and other forms of identification, any appropriate certificates, reference letters, transcripts, and so on.

As far as behavior goes, it is important to be relaxed while remaining professional. It is a good idea to know the interviewer's name so you can properly greet him or her; remember that your manners add to your first impression. You should answer each question, but do it concisely and avoid rambling or talking too much. Slang and bad grammar have no business in an interview; it is important to use proper language, and to be aware of your body language as well. While you are encouraged to ask questions, it is not a good idea to ask anything that could be found by researching the company. Similarly, questions about salary, benefit packages, and other such topics need to wait until an offer has been extended.

Finally, after the interview, you need to thank the person who interviewed you, shake his or her hand, and then take your leave. Afterward, you must remember to follow up with the job. You can send the interviewer a thank you note to do so. This will help keep you in the interviewer's mind, which could lead to an offer.