South Florida Should Secede And Become The 51st State: Local Authorities

South Florida should secede and become the 51st State says a resolution passed on On Tuesday by South Miami authorities.

The move to divide the State of Florida was presented by the vice mayor of the city, Walter Harris, who oversaw the resolution that got a 3-2 vote of approval.

Many, including Harris, have questioned the Tallahassee response to the ill effects rising sea levels are having on residents in the south.

"We have to be able to deal directly with this environmental concern and we can't really get it done in Tallahassee," Harris said.

" I don't care what people think, it's not a mater of electing the right people," the vice major continued.

Reports indicate that if South Florida should secede and become the 51st State in America, the new State would include all 24 of the most southern counties in Florida.

"It's very apparent that the attitude of the northern part of the state is that they would just love to saw the state in half and just let us float into the Caribbean," South Miami Mayor Philip Stoddard said, while approving the move for succession.

He went further to say that North Florida have "made it abundantly clear every [at] possible opportunity and I would love to give them the opportunity to do that."

But not every one agrees that South Florida should secede and become the 51st State in the U.S.

"I just want you guys to be careful because is you vote for this you're setting a precedent that if other people in this city don't like our representation of feel we're not responsive to them they might say 'we want to break away from South Miami," said Gabriel Edmond who voted against the resolution.

Should south Florida should secede and become the 51st State? Tell us what you think by commenting below. Meanwhile, other 24 South Florida counties are set to decide on this contentious issue.