Officer Sean Harrington Accused Of Stealing Nude Photos Of DUI Suspect From Her Phone

Officer Sean Harrington, a California Highway Patrol policeman, is being probed by the DA's office for allegedly stealing nude photos of a woman he pulled over for a DUI offense in August.

35-years-old officer Sean Harrington is suspected of illegally sent up to six pictures of an unidentified 23-years-old woman, who was being booked into the Martinez County Jail on DUI charges.

Officer Sean Harrington, who allegedly collected the intoxicated suspect's password from her, forwarded the images from her phone to his.

Reports indicate that officer Sean Harrington may have acted with other police officers. The DA's office is contemplating pressing criminal charges against the Dublin policeman, including five counts of felony computer theft.

"We don't know at this point, although we're gratified at the extent of the investigation by the Contra Costa District Attorney's office," Rick Madsen, the young woman's lawyer said. Madsen also said the lady was "tremendously distraught" by Officer Sean Harrington's conduct.

Madsen stressed that his client was worried at "the extent to which they've [the photos] been transmitted, either to other individuals perhaps other law enforcement officers".

According to reports, Officer Sean Harrington pulled the woman over at Interstate 680 for a DUI. She was subsequently held in custody and transferred to the Martinez jail.

It is believed that Officer Sean Harrington illegally sent the nude pictures from her phone to his during this period. "He asked for her password in order for her to get a phone number for her to call somebody. During that time he went through her private photos and transmitted as many as six to his own private cell phone," Madsen said.

Officer Sean Harrington has reportedly been reassigned to desk duties while the investigation is underway.

If Officer Sean Harrington is found guilty, he could lose his jobs as a police officer. The news of his actions have caused quite an outrage online.

Officer Sean Harrington's conduct is "a clandestine and illegal intrusion into her privacy, which is unspeakable, considering his sworn duty to protect the public, Madsen said.