Before the controversial Fox News expose that led Navy SEAL officers to warn members for spilling classified secret missions, the Navy SEAL who killed Osama Bin Laden has been identified. The Daily Mail revealed his identity as Rob O'Neill.
Fox News has been promoting an exclusive tell-all interview with the Navy SEAL, who killed Osama Bin Laden, of his experience of defying and killing the notorious Al-Qaeda chief during a raid on his compound in Pakistan on May 11, 2011. However, UK's Daily Mail Online ruined the buzz, when the agency published an exclusive interview with O'Neill's father a week before the "never before shared details" was due to be aired.
As stated on the exclusive interview, Rob O'Neill was identified as the 38-year-old Navy SEAL who killed Osama Bin Laden at close range during the 2011 raid in Pakistan. O'Neill is one of the most highly-decorated combat veterans of his time. He was prompted to speak out after he lost military benefits when he left the SEALs after 16 years of service, instead of completing the full 2 decades.
In the interview, his father, Tom O'Neill said that he is not afraid if the Islamic State will be knocking on their door.
"People are asking if we are worried that ISIS will come and get us because Rob is going public. I say I'll paint a big target on my front door and say come and get us," Tom O'Neill said.
The father of the Navy SEAL, who killed Osama Bin Laden identified as Rob O'Neill, also reacted to the warning issued by Force Master Chief Michael Magaraci and Commander Rear Adm. Brian Losey.
"He is not allowed to talk, yet they are using this big bullhorn to shut him up," his father said. "I support him in everything he is doing... My ex-wife gave birth to a man. We shouldn't be cowering in fear."
Rob O'Neill left the Navy SEAL at the rank of senior petty officer. During his military career, The New York Daily News reported he was awarded with 52 medals, including two Silver Stars, three Presidential Unit citations and four Bronze Stars for valor.
Aside from being identified as the Navy SEAL who killed Osama Bin Laden, Rob O'Neill has reportedly been portrayed in Hollywood blockbuster movies such as "Zero Dark Thirty" in 2012, "Captain Phillips," and "Lone Survivor" in 2013, as The Sydney Morning Herald reported.
Besides killing the Al-Qaeda chief, Rob O'Neill help save Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell after a failed mission to seize a Taliban leader in Afghanistan in 2005. Luttrell's story was turned into the movie "Lone Survivor" featuring actor Mark Walberg. O'Neill was also the first SEAL to jump aboard the Maersk Alabama after it was hijacked by Somali pirates in 2009. The ship's Captain Richard Phillips was rescued in the SEAL operation shown in "Captain Phillips" film with Tom Hanks.
In spite of the exclusive tag and three days before the Mail article, a popular Web site, SOFREP, which writes about the US special forces community, seems to have identified Rob O"Neill as the Navy SEAL due to appear on Fox's expose.
Regardless of the controversies masking the intentions of Rob O'Neill, the Navy SEAL who was identified to have killed Osama Bin Laden, his "never quit" mantra reminds the world that servicemen doing the dirtiest work are often making the hardest sacrifices and the most significant reason in determining success is to never give up.