Matt Damon is set to reprise his role as Jason Bourne on the latest franchise of the "Bourne" series scheduled for release on 2016. On the fourth film "The Bourne Legacy" in 2012, Damon did not appear on the film, instead it featured a different protagonist, agent Aaron Cross played by Jeremy Renner.
Matt Damon has recently confirmed that he and director Paul Greengrass will be returning to make another "Bourne" film. The 44-year-old actor spoke about the film while promoting his docu-series, "Project Greenlight" in Los Angeles along with best pal Ben Affleck.
"It'll be in 2016 when the movie will actually come out," Damon told E! News. "Paul Greengrass is going to do another one and that's all I ever said. I just needed him to say yes."
There have been three "Bourne" films featuring Matt Damon. The first was "Bourne Identity" released in 2002, "The Bourne Supremacy" in 2004 and "The Bourne Ultimatum" in 2007. In the fourth film in the franchise, "The Bourne Legacy" in 2012, Jeremy Renner appeared as Agent Aaron Cross.
Since the last instalment of the original "Bourne" trilogy, the rumor has never died down about another story starring Matt Damon as the notorious spy. According to The Guardian, Paul Greengrass, the director of the latter last two films of the trilogy dismissed rumors last year that he was making another "Bourne" film with Damon saying it was a "figment of someone's imagination."
"You've got to move on and do different things," Greengrass said. And last December, he reiterated, "I discovered in my heart I didn't have another one in me."
Matt Damon also expressed his thoughts about not able to another "Bourne" film with Greengrass in an interview with The Huffington Post in July 2012.
"If you really look at the mythology of the character, we would have to figure out some reason to get him going again," Damon said. "Paul and I haven't been able to do it. And we really wanted to make another one; we almost were making one a couple of years ago -- and then we just couldn't crack it."
Meanwhile, Matt Damon has always maintained he wouldn't be involved in any continuation of the franchise without Greengrass. And with the spin-off franchise featuring Jeremy Renner in "The Bourne Legacy" in 2012, the "Bourne" brand name has taken its own direction and seemed to be the end of it.
But that was true until Matt Damon confirmed on Friday that a new "Bourne" film is in the works and he will reunite with Greengrass. The actor's friend, Ben Affleck also let slip that Damon and Greengrass would team up.
"He's going to be doing a Bourne movie next fall when I've just completely lost any semblance of physical fitness," Affleck told E! News.
If the Matt Damon-Paul Greengrass reunion were all true, what will happen to Renner-starring offshoot of the series? A sequel to 2012's "The Bourne Legacy" was scheduled for 2016 with "Fast and Furious" director Justin Lin attached. And a "Bourne" film is still scheduled for release on July 15, 2016. However, it is still unclear if a Renner-starring selection or the Damon-Greengrass team up will happen next.
If both possibilities stand to continue, the idea could be to eventually combine Cross and Bourne, presumably with Greengrass at the controls if Damon is involved. And "The Bourne Legacy" star Jeremy Renner was excited about the possibilities.
"I love the idea of Greengrass and Damon," Renner told The Huffington Post Entertainment Damon's potential return earlier this year. "Let [our characters] be adversaries, let them become buddies, whatever the heck it might be -- them coming together would be a pretty tremendous thing."
"I think that is ultimately the plan," Renner then added.
If the possibilities for that reunion Matt Damon and director Paul Greengrass were true plus "The Bourne Legacy" protagonist Jeremy Renner, the next "Bourne" film will definitely be a blockbuster hit.