Robert Swift arrest - The former Seattle Supersonics and Tokyo Apache player has been charged on Thursday after a sawed-off shotgun, a grenade launcher and several other weapons were retrieved from his room in the home of an alleged drug dealer in Kirkland, WA.
According to local sources, Robert Swift's arrest occurred during a raid on the home of Trygve Bjorkstam, 54, in the beginning of last month. Police say drug paraphernalia and several weapons were also found in the home, which is less than a kilometer from an elementary school.
"There were used needles, methamphetamine pipes with residue, baggies with residue and pieces of used aluminum foil scattered in plain view throughout the residence and in both suspects' bedrooms," court papers said.
Bjorkstam has been under investigation for dealing heroin. Cops say his home, which allegedly contains a shooting range, was put under surveillance and the factuality of the trade of illicit drugs in the property was established prior to the raid. After Robert Swift's arrest, the player said he was not a drug dealer, but only used drugs and was helping Bjorkstam recover unpaid debts from some buyers.
Bjorkstam is reported to have corroborated this claim. "People have been ripping me off," he said. "Rob and I are trying to put a stop to that." The dealer confessed that he only ventured into the trade a few months ago.
After Bjorkstam and Robert Swift's arrest, the drug dealer is reported to have been distraught. Bjorkstam has been charged with possessing and intending to distribute heroin and methamphetamine. He was also charged with the possession of firearms to further his drug business. Meanwhile, the former NBA player was charged with illegally possessing weapons.
Robert Swift's arrest has been widely discussed since it made the news. Many people have questioned how the player, who made over $10 million in his short career with the NBA, wound up without a home of his own. Robert Swift was signed to the Sonics at the age of 18. In 4 seasons, he played 97 games (37 starts) and averaged about 4.3 points per game.