Amazon Reveals Black Friday 2014 Deals: Offers Start A Week Earlier The Traditional Black Friday

Amazon has recently revealed its Black Friday 2014 deals and the catch - the offers will start a week earlier than the traditional Black Friday. Several huge retailer companies such as Wal-Mart and Best Buy have unveiled their deals last week.

The biggest online retailer in the United States, Amazon announced offers for their Black Friday 2014 deals will begin on Nov. 21, a week earlier than the traditional beginning of the Christmas shopping season, and will last through Black Friday. According to USA Today, the retailer has taken a different tactic as competition tightened among other retailers.

Comparable to the offers made by other retailer companies, Amazon underscored that electronics will be a huge part of its Black Friday 2014 deals. During the eight days leading to the actual Black Friday, the company will be expanding their famous, year-round "Lightning Deals" by adding offers as often as "every ten minutes."

In the United States, Black Friday is observed every Friday following Thanksgiving Day. It is often considered as the start of the Christmas shopping season.

In a press release, Amazon announced its pre-Christmas shopping deals and introduced eight days of Black Friday offers with new deals listen every ten minutes. The company will also offer "thousands" of limited-time "Lightning Deals" as well as three special "Deals of the Day" starting at midnight on Thanksgiving with three more following on Black Friday.

Amazon has a few remarkable Black Friday 2014 "door-buster" deals specifically with the televisions, getting some generous discounts. said the company has already posted some of its deals. Traditionally, online retailers waited until Black Friday to reveal offers. According to Huffington Post, the sales are usually unveiled on the Monday after Thanksgiving, which is known as "Cyber Monday."

Several retailers, such as Wal-Mart and Kmart, are offering Black Friday deals earlier at their stores and online. And in order to compete, Amazon and other online retailers have to make their deals much earlier.

When Black Friday and its remarkable deals hit the site, one can be assured that those earning the rave review are only the finest available. Offers aside, the early Amazon Black Friday 2014 deals will definitely be sufficient and thrilling for impulse buyers and avid shoppers.

Amazon, Black Friday