Why Is Cate Blanchett Proud Of Emma Watson’s Speech?

Last September, Emma Watson delivered a game-changing and powerful speech at the United Nations (UN) assembly. Her highly-admired speech went viral on social media. And actress Kate Blanchett was no exception. She told Porter's Magazine winter 2014 issue how much she loved Watson's gender equality speech.

The much-talked about Emma Watson's speech was poignantly delivered by the "Harry Potter" actress when she was newly appointed as the UN Goodwill Ambassador at the UN headquarters on Sept. 20. E! News reported Watson's speech was for the launch of the "HeForShe" gender equality campaign.

"Today we are launching a campaign called for HeForShe. I am reaching out to you because we need your help," Emma Watson said on her speech. "We want to end gender inequality, and to do this, we need everyone involved. This is the first campaign of its kind at the UN."

"I was appointed as Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women six months ago," Watson added. "And, the more I spoke about feminism, the more I realized that fighting for women's rights has too often become synonymous with man-hating. If there is one thing I know for certain, it is that this has to stop."

Since Cate Blanchett is a huge advocate for social change. According to Marie Claire magazine, it is not a surprise that one of Australia's most prized actresses praised Emma Watson for her emotional and powerful UN speech that implores men to join the fight against gender inequality.

"I was so f**king proud of Emma Watson's speech at the UN. It was brilliant, such an incredible use of her airspace, and really passionate. It was fantastic," Blanchett stated.

Blanchett also said that it is significant for celebrities to use their voice and star power to help bring change to the world and make a difference. The Huffington Post reported that Blanchett is one of the many celebrities who showed support for Emma Watson, especially after hackers threatened to release Watson's nude photos just a day after her UN address on gender equality.

"There are a lot of things happening in an international sphere, and there are enough women with enough clout to make those shifts happen," Blanchett explained. "Enough is enough. And I hope the Emma Watson's of this world are going to say, "F**k it"."

"We are struggling for a uniting word, but the good news is, we have a uniting movement," Emma Watson ended her 13-minute speech. "It is called HeForShe. I invite you to step forward, to be seen and to ask yourself, 'If not me, who? If not now, when?'"

Emma watson, United Nations