Shia LaBeouf claimed that a woman raped him during his week-long art show in a Los Angeles gallery. He opened up about the incident during an odd interview with Dazed Digital's winter 2014 issue. It was conducted over an email before the "Nymphomaniac" actor and the reporter sat staring at each other in silence for an hour.
Shia LaBeouf was raped on Valentine's Day this year where he lived for five days in a Los Angeles gallery. He invited the public to sit with him in silence for his #IAMSORRY art show. During the week-long performance art installation, The Daily Mail reported that the 28-year-old actor sat in a small room in the gallery wearing a paper bag over his face that read, "I Am Not Famous Anymore."
However, just after three days, a woman allegedly stripped and raped Shia LaBeouf while their respective partners stood outside waiting in line.
"One woman who came with her boyfriend, who was outside the door when this happened, whipped my legs for ten minutes and then stripped my clothing and proceeded to rape me..." Shia LaBeouf revealed. "There were hundreds of people in line when she walked out with dishevelled hair and smudged lipstick. It was no good, not just for me but her man as well."
"On top of that my girl [Mia Goth] was in line to see me, because it was Valentine's Day and I was living in the gallery for the duration of the event - we were separated for five days, no communication," the actor added. "So it really hurt her as well, as I guess the news of it travelled through the line. When she came in she asked for an explanation, and I couldn't speak, so we both sat with this unexplained trauma silently. It was painful."
In the winter 2014 issue of Dazed, writer Aimee Cliff recounted her time during the bizarre interview with Shia LaBeouf. The Huffington Post said both parties emailed each other where the actor spoke about his recent projects including the #IAMSORRY art installation in LA, his movies "Fury" and "Nymphomaniac" and his newfound affinity with metamodernism.
Prior to the interview, LaBeouf suggested that when they meet in person, they would not speak. When they finally did sit down in a London hotel, the "Fury" star and Cliff strapped Go-Pros to their heads and sat for an hour in silence. During the interview, Shia LaBeouf revealed that he was raped.
Shia LaBeouf has had a chaotic year where he walked out of press conferences and appearing at movie premieres with a paper bag on his head. reported he also got himself arrested for yelling obscenities and disrupting a Broadway performance of "Cabaret." Because of the incident, he was charged for criminal trespass, disorderly conduct and harassment.
After the incident in New York last June, Shia LaBeouf, who recently revealed he was raped, pleaded guilty on the disorderly conduct charge. And on Tuesday, TMZ reported the judge gave the actor a "thumbs-up" after he brought a development report specifying his outpatient alcohol rehab to the Manhattan Criminal Court.
Shia LaBeouf's #IAMSORRY was the culmination of several odd incidents such as aggressive outbursts, plagiarism and public martyrdom involving "I Am Not Famous Anymore" paper-bag masks. After his shocking revelation about being raped, Shia LaBeouf is due again in court in March once his treatment is completed.