You can enhance your online presence by putting out the kind of content that goes beyond pet photos and establishes you as an expert, says Harvard Business Review. Just don't tell your dog.
The Management Tip of the Day offers quick, practical management tips and ideas from Harvard Business Review and (
"Social media is not just for socializing. When handled correctly, you can use it to enhance your personal brand, establish your expertise, or demonstrate your digital fluency.
Commit to using social media for professional reasons and be proactive about managing your activity and image.
Consider what potential employers or colleagues will see - you don't want them to discover only pictures of you and your dog, or worse.
Make sure at a minimum you have a LinkedIn account with a completed profile. Try tweeting or blogging about your area of expertise, thereby creating content that others can forward, retweet, or repost. This can help you establish yourself as an expert."
- Today's management tip was adapted from "Boost Your Career with Social Media: Tips for the Uninitiated" by Amy Gallo.
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