Samsung Curved 105-inch 4K Ultra HD 3D Smart LED TV: Hilarious Reviews on Amazon

Samsung's Curved 105-inch 4K Ultra HD 3D Smart LED TV has gained hilarious reviews in Amazon, Screen Crush reported.

The online shopping site Amazon has a variety of products that receive fictional reviews from buyers such as Samsung's Curved 105-inch 4K Ultra HD 3D Smart LED TV. It is sold on Amazon for the price of $199,999.99 and is currently out of stock, according to DFW Catholic.

The gigantic television comes with a built in Wi-Fi, 3 HMI audio/video ports and voice control. The 353.8 pounds appliance is worth an Aston Martin sports car. Due to the extravagant features of the LED TV, some Amazon shoppers have decided to provide funny reviews.

Online shopper mmedina made fun of the television's screen size in her post: "The black levels and color depth of this TV are pretty good for the price. However, the small screen size is a deal breaker. I recommend buying an IMAX theater instead."

Some reviews apparently associated the LED TV to a luxurious lifestyle, Demond posted:

"This TV is great! It looks so much like real life that I almost feel like I have one! Before I bought this I would sit at home all alone wiping my tears with $100 bills and leopard fur for hours on end. Now I can trick myself into thinking that the people on the screen are actually my friends. Thanks Samsung!"

Eric J. Smith commented about acquiring a loan just to pay for the product:

"I was able to purchase this amazing television with an FHA loan (30 year fixed-rate w/ 4.25% APR) and only 3.5% down. This is, hands down, the best decision I've ever made. And the box it came in is incredibly roomy too, which is a huge bonus, because I live in it now."

The rest of the amusing reviews from shoppers can be read at Amazon.

The LED TV is number one on the Christmas wish list for television shoppers, Free Press Release Center reported.