Management Tip of the Day: Overcome the Awkward Silences

Meetings hold such promise for moving your business forward but are rarely executed well, with awkward silences just one of many hurdles to address, says Harvard Business Review.

The Management Tip of the Day offers quick, practical management tips and ideas from Harvard Business Reviewand (

"Discussions during meetings can be feast or famine. Either you can't get a word in edgewise or no one speaks up. Next time your meeting falls silent, try these tactics:

1. Let it be. Wait a moment before breaking the silence and offering a suggestion. The group may need time to reflect on an idea.

2. Name it. Call out what's happening, and ask the group about it, 'It seems we've gone quiet. Does anyone want to talk about what's going on?'

3. Take a break. Sometimes a short break gives people the chance to refocus."

- Today's management tip was adapted from the book, "Guide to Making Every Meeting Matter."

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