'Walking Dead' Cast Update: Emily Kinney Releases New Single 'Rockstar' [WATCH]

"Walking Dead" star Emily Kinney released a new music video entitled "Rockstar," Entertainment Weekly reported.

Kinney's character, Beth in the hit series may have reached her end but the actress has continued to advance her career. Kinney released "Rockstar" as a part of her album that will be released in 2015.

The songstress performed in the black and white video wearing a 1980's MTV cropped top, plaid polo, skinny jeans and a beanie, Daily Mail reported.

Music video director Jay Sansone shared his experience in working with the actress.

"I jumped at the chance to work with Emily because she's a double threat-an incredible dramatic actress and a pop star. You just have to roll camera on that kind of presence and let her do her thing. For this video, we chose a very clean '90s music video look and made something that resonates with Emily's style and something gritty the fans would appreciate," Sansone said.

Kinney's singing voice was first heard at the zombie apocalyptic world of "Walking Dead." Followers of the series saw her as a symbol of hope. The death of her character devastated the viewers, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

In a recent interview, Kinney was asked about what she would miss most from the show.

"Probably the people. Because I feel like we've all become such good friends and they've made me a better actor. Not just the other actors, but all the people I've gotten to work with. They're all really passionate people and really inspire me," Kinney said.

Meanwhile, Norman Reedus who carried Kinney during her death scene revealed how much they would miss the actress.

"It was rough. I won't lie, it was rough. She's such an amazing girl and such a great actress and what her character meant to our characters was a big deal, so to lose that was a very emotional day for everyone. It felt like you actually lost a friend," Reedus said.

Kinney previously released "Expired Love EP" album, which is still available in stores.

Walking dead