Rectal Feeding Torture Report - In a Senate intelligence committee report released Tuesday, it has revealed that CIA operatives subjected at least five detainees to "rectal rehydration and feeding." The latest controversy of abuse and torture underscored the agency's lies about its brutal techniques in years after the Sept. 11 terrorism attack.
On the rectal feeding torture report, CIA operatives had explicitly considered other extreme and merciless methods of torture. The Guardian reported the agency opted to subject its detainees to rectal infusions as officers considered them as a way of behavioral control.
Rectal rehydration and feeding is rare medical practice commonly known as nutrient enema, feeding per rectum or rectal alimentation. It is an enema administered with the intent of providing nutrition when normal eating is not possible. In modern medical care, rectal feeding has been outdated by tube and intravenous feeding.
In the much-awaited CIA torture report on rectal feeding conducted by the Senate, the heinous account of the agency's merciless and sadistic way of interrogation and detention have been exposed. In a separate report by The Guardian, prisoners were forced to stand on broken limbs for hours, kept in complete darkness, deprived of sleep for up to 180 hours, and were subjected to rectal rehydration sans medical necessity.
The CIA torture report also include mock executions and Russian roulette. The investigation also revealed that US agents threatened to slit the throat of a prisoner's mother, sexually abuse another and even threatened their children. It was also detailed that a prisoner died of hypothermia brought by being forced to sit on a bare concrete floor without pants.
The report exposed CIA's use of torture in secret prisons run by the agency across the globe. The exposé was even more extreme that previously revealed and included rectal feeding and threats to the families of the prisoners.
In a statement summarizing the investigation, Senate intelligence committee chairwoman Dianne Feinstein called CIA's torture program as a stain on American values and history.
"During the brutal interrogations, the CIA was often unaware the information was fabricated," she said. "[The torture program] was morally, legally and administratively misguided and far more brutal than people were led to believe."
While the CIA defended its torture approach, particularly the rectal feeding, The Washington Post said several detainees underwent the medically-unused procedures without documented medical necessity.
"For all practical purposes, it's never used," Harvard Medical School professor and Massachusetts General Hospital emergency doctor Thomas Burke said in an interview. "No one in the United States is hydrating anybody through their rectum. Nobody is feeding anybody through their rectum. . . . That's not a normal practice."
Meanwhile, CIA leaders were reportedly aware of the excessive force used on detainees at the codenamed detention site COBALT. However, The Daily Mail said the reports did not appear to be investigated.
The rectal feeding torture report has prompted a call from a UN special human rights reporter for prosecutions of those in the CIA and the Bush administration responsible for the torture program. And as CNN revealed some techniques in a detailed summary, the report provoked fears for a possible retaliation.
In line with the rectal feeding torture report, US President Barack Obama also responded to the findings saying CIA's techniques were contrary to the American values.
"These harsh methods were not only inconsistent with our values as nation, they did not serve our broader counterterrorism efforts or our national security interests," Obama said. "Moreover, these techniques did significant damage to America's standing in the world and made it harder to pursue our interests with allies and partners. That is why I will continue to use my authority as president to make sure we never resort to those methods again."
The currently-released rectal feeding torture report has sparked a political storm in the US. And the findings are the result of a 4-year, $40 million investigation that caused the relationship between the CIA and the Senate committee to plunge.