Joe Biden Becomes Viral After Photo Looking Through the Window Transformed Into Meme

Vice President Joe Biden's photo looking through a glass window went viral, Washington Post reported.

In September, a photo of Joe Biden standing in the Oval Office of the White House looking through the glass window was published. Due to Biden's contemplative look in the picture, Internet users tried to guess what was going on his mind.

Twitter users shared the photo and wrote funny captions. User inexusEP posted: "Biden, who refused to eat his vegetables last night, watches from the window as O's motorcade leaves for ice cream."

Several social media users tried to link the photo to politics. ObsoleteDogma wrote: "Barack promised that I'd get to pardon the turkey this year."

The trending topic gained so much attention that some users expressed their disagreement. Sethmad posted: "Those tweets adding captions to the photo of Joe Biden looking out a window just keep getting not better."

Aside from Twitter, several Internet sites published the photo and made their own articles and contests. The Daily Caller made a "Caption This: The Picture of Sad Biden Staring Out The Window" contest and gained dozens of replies.

Buzzfeed published an article entitled "14 Times Joe Biden Had The Perfect Reaction To 2014." The article featured several popular news stories this year including the ice bucket challenge, Kim Kardashian's nude magazine cover and "Exodus: Gods and Kings" racism controversy. The infamous reports were paired with Biden's photo as a reaction.

The news site The Sop featured the image in an article and listed the "Top Ten Reasons Biden is Sad." Hilarious reasons were on the list involving the Obamas. The report reads: "Michelle Obama made him replace his stash of Cheetos with a bowl of carrots."

Finally, users of Meme Generator have created several memes of the Joe Biden photo. A total of 238 images entitled "Sad Joe Biden" were published.

The Internet surely had its fill of the viral photo and is probably looking for the next one. Interestingly, another looking through the window picture of the vice president has been uploaded by Los Angeles Times in their website.