Dan Bilzerian Twitter: Social Media Provocateur Arrested For Bomb-Making?

Dan Bilzerian is a social media provocateur particularly in Twitter and Instagram with a $150 million net worth. He is known to post pictures of his scandalous lifestyle including photos of weapons, large amount of money, private jets and almost nude women. On Tuesday, Bilzerian was reportedly arrested for bomb-making charges.

Dan Bilzerian, a 34-year-old professional gambler and actor famous on social media sites Twitter and Instagram, was arrested without bail before being released on Wednesday. The Independent UK reported he was held after a complaint from Clark County District Attorney's office last month.

The complaint claimed that Bilzerian had ammonium, aluminum powder, and ammonium nitrate mix. These substances, when mixed together would make TNT (Trinitrotoluene) explosive. It also claimed that he possessed such a device.

A Clark County District Attorney's office official told LA Weekly that possession of bomb-making equipment could carry a jail time of one to six years while having a device could result in one to four years in prison. Each count also carries a possible $5,000 bond.

Popularly known as "Instagram Playboy" or "Intagram King," Dan Bilzerian lives a crazy and lavish life where he documents it all in social media like Twitter. According to The Washington Post, he is a trust-fund multimillionaire and the son of corporate raider Paul Bilzerian, who was convicted in 1989 for fraud. Celebrity Net Worth lists Bilzerian's fortune as $150 million.

Before Dan Bilzerian was arrested at LAX, he had been in Miami over the weekend to attend Art Basel and to celebrate his Dec. 7 birthday. However, the social media provocateur with a multimillion net worth was forcibly ejected from a nightclub on Saturday night for claims that he allegedly assaulted a woman by kicking her in the face.

The charges were denied by Dan Bilzerian on Twitter. And the incident was not the first he was accused of violence against women. Earlier this year, New York Daily News reported Bilzerian made the news when he allegedly threw a porn star off a roof during a Hustler magazine shoot. He was threatened with an $85,000 lawsuit after the model broke her foot.

Dan Bilzerian, who has a $150 million net worth, is no stranger to controversies. And his chronicles on Instagram were just proof of his extremely outrageous lifestyle. Meanwhile Bilzerian, who was released on bail, will appear in court on Jan. 9. On Twitter, he posted a cheerful response to his brief jail time.

Instagram, Twitter, Net Worth