Carolina Beach Fire News Update: Prosecutors Charge Marshal Doran With 2 Counts Of Murder

Suspect Marshal Doran was charged with 2 counts of murder for the deadly Carolina Beach fires, WNCN reported.

District Attorney Ben David revealed that Doran was charged for the deaths of Mary Angeline Cochran and Darlene Maslar in the Carolina Beach fire. Prosecutors will take the case to the grand jury to indict him for other charges such as property damage.

Dorans' attorney, Roger Smith Jr. released a statement on behalf of his client and his family.

"They've lived in this community for more than 20 years, and it's been their home for more than 20 years. They're absolutely heartbroken and grief stricken over what happened this past weekend and the tragedy that happened and came upon this community. Their hearts, their thoughts, and their prayers go out to the families that were involved here and everybody else that's affected by this tragedy, " Smith said.

The tragedy refers to the death of Cochran and Maslar in a condominium fire at 2:30 AM on Dec. 6 at 409 Carolina Beach Ave. South. Last Saturday, three fires were reported in the location that started one hour after the other.

The first Carolina Beach fire completely burned a condominium. The second fire damaged several family condo units. The last one was a vehicle fire and no victims were reported, according to WECT.

The fires killed two women and injured several residents. Doran was initially caught in a burglary incident near the Carolina Beach Fire location on Sunday. As the investigation continues, Doran was named as a "person of interest."

The suspect's previous criminal records include felony hit-and-run causing death, reckless driving, possession of controlled drugs, and misdemeanor resisting arrest, News Observer reported.

The Carolina Beach fires affected the neighboring community. Nearby residents expressed their grief over the tragedy.

"I'll never forget. It's not something you can forget," said Louise Smith, who lives across the street.

"Everybody's keeping their fingers crossed that no other person will be uncovered. Unfortunately there were a couple and it was a sad day. It's very unfortunate and very sad," said Fran Casteen, who lives near the area.

Meanwhile, Carolina Beach Mayor said that the government is assisting the victims with clothing, lodging and counseling. Victims may request for aid from Red Cross at 910-509-8038.