Sydney Hostage News Update: Armed Men With Jihadist Flag Hostage Several People At Lindt Café, Martin Place, Sydney

Unknown armed men are holding 13- 50 people hostage at Lindt Café, Martin Place in Sydney, News. reported.

Reports say that two men with guns are holding 50 people as hostages at Lindt Café since 10 AM. The coffee shop has several entrances, which made it easier for the suspects to go inside.

One Lindt staff arrived when the crisis has just started. "It was already locked [when he arrived]. I didn't get a good look at them, as soon as I saw the gun all I wanted to do was get out," he said, The Guardian reported.

Shop employees wearing their aprons with hands held up can be seen through the glass window. A flag believed to be a Jihadist symbol which read "No god worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is his messenger" was forcibly held by the shop's staff.

Talkback radio host Ray Hadley was able to talk to a hostage inside the Lindt Café while off the air. The hostage reportedly called the radio station since he was forced by one of the suspects to be on air. Hadley shared his conversation with the young man.

"I told the young man it's not in your best interest to be heard on the radio live. It's not in anyone's interest and it's certainly not in the hostages' interest," Hadley said, according to Channel 9 News.

Hadley further explained that authorities should handle the situation instead of him.

"There are trained negotiators who have vast experience in dealing with these matters and they're the ones who should be dealing with this not radio presenters," Hadley added.

The hostage even requested Hadley to call him after 10 minutes and he would reveal more information. The host said that the man mentioned "password" but there is no clear explanation where it is related to.

Meanwhile, a disturbing hand gesture was made by a hostaged woman wile pressed on the window glass. The women ran her thumb across her throat, which authorities believed to be an instruction from the suspects.

The central business district of Sydney is currently in lockdown due to the Lindt Café Hostage Crisis. Police are attempting to negotiate with the terrorists while heavily armed.

Prime Minister Tony Abott requested the Autralian citizens to calm down and talked about possible motives for the Lindt Café hostage crisis. "We don't yet know the motivation of the perpetrator, we don't know whether this is politically motivated although obviously there are some indications that it could be," Abbott said.

A video live stream of the ongoing hostage crisis at Lindt Café, Sydney can be seen at Channel 9 news.