Leonardo Dicaprio Despicable: Sony Execs Come Under More Fire As Leaked Emails Criticizes Actors

Leonardo Dicaprio Despicable - Hackers have released another set of embarrassing e-mails between top officials and movie directors at Sony Corporation. Actor Leonardo Dicaprio as well as Jaden and Willow Smith are among the latest Hollywood celebrities to face unfavorable judgment from the execs.

A leaked e-mail between Mark Gordon, the producer of Jobs, and Amy Pascal, the co-chairman of Sony pictures, features the pair criticizing Dicaprio for pulling out of the highly acclaimed Steve Jobs biopic.

According to the e-mails, which have been published by the Daily Beast, Gordon wrote to Amy questioning the actor's decision. "Was this about the deal..or did he just change his mind," he wrote. Pascal replied "The latter." To which Gordon responded "Horrible behavior." Pascal said "Actually despicable."

Reports further indicate that Tom Rothman, the head of TriStar Productions, sent an e-mail to Pascal in November, insulting Will Smith's children despite his long relationship with the company.

Rothman sent an e-mail with a link to an interview that Willow and Jaden gave to T Magazine. "I read this 2. they r home schooled don't let this family date your movies!!!".

In another lengthy e-mail between Pascal and Ilene Feldman, a talent manager who is also Ryan Gosling's rep, the pair talked about Gosling's affection for the Sony executive.

In the mail dated Oct. 3, Feldman wrote to Pascal: "Ryan absolutely loved you. Said it was like speed dating because he was late after hitting every wrong gate on the lot. Not it should turn to marriage. He really wants to do something with you."

Pascal subsequently forwarded the mail to Michael De Luca, co-president of production for Columbia Pictures. She asked him what projects Gosling was interested in. De Luca replied "It's Ghostbusters according to Ilene."

In an accompanying e-mail Pascal sent to Hannah Minghella, the Columbia Pictures co-chair of production asked about Gosling and Paul Feig's intended all-female remake of Ghostbusters. "There is one [male] part Paul is planning. How insane would that be...He also wants Jennifer [Lawrence] and Emma [Stone]."

Sony has since officially apologized for the content of the emails. A group of hackers, who have simply been identified as "Guardians of Peace", have put the refutable film company in the news lately for the wrong reasons after successfully breaching its servers.

In a new development, the Sony hackers have announced that they would withhold releasing e-mails of Sony employees. However, the "Guardians of Peace" said they would only withhold the release if Sony employees write to them and request that their private conversations should not be made public.

Despite that announcement, the Sony hackers have promised that more information would be leaked as a Christmas gift. "The gift will surely give you much more pleasure and put Sony Pictures into the worst state," the group said on a website.

The Sony hackers reportedly have terabytes of Sony data including corporate emails, presentations and financial data. Officials suspect that the hackers may be from North Korea. However, this has not been proven.

Leonardo DiCaprio, Will Smith, Jaden Smith, Ryan Gosling