"Bones," Fox's crime comedy-drama television series, celebrated its 200th milestone episode last week. The 10th season episode titled, "The 200th in the 10th" was directed by David Boreanaz, who also plays FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth in the show and was written by Stephen Nathan.
In the 200th episode of "Bones" season 10 aired last Dec. 11, the series paid tribute to Alfred Hitchcock, an English film director producer who pioneered in the suspense and psychological thriller genres. Often names "The Master of Suspense," Hitchcock's distinctive directorial career had spanned more than half a century. As reported by Entertainment Weekly, the series reimagined the Jeffersonian and was set in the 1950s Hollywood.
Though the chapter was set in the '50s, the elements from each character's regular role on the show were maintained. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly Community, executive producer and writer Stephen Nathan opened up about the episode.
"We'd been talking about an episode like this, a very stylized episode like this, for quite a while," Nathan said. "It's always been a huge love of mine, this period, and the 200th gave us the means, motive, and opportunity to finally tackle it."
Nathan also added that in 10 years that they've been doing the series, the 200th episode of "Bones" was by far the most difficult the team had done so far.
Meanwhile, 45-year-old "Bones" actor David Boreanaz also revealed his sentiments to be part of the long-running series and to be able to direct its 200th milestone episode where he revealed on Entertainment Tonight that it took 14 days, compared to the usual 7 days, to shoot the film-worthy chapter. Boreanaz additionally said that the series was blessed to have great writers, crew and cast.
Boreanaz's onscreen partner, 38-year-old Emily Deschanel, who recently announced her second pregnancy, admitted that when Boreanaz became the director, he brought an unparalleled passion to the set.
"He's a complete dream as a director," Deschanel said. "This was a huge episode, involving so many different elements, and a totally different time period. So many things to think about, and he did an amazing job."
Prior to its premiere last Dec. 11, the cast and crew of "Bones" along with Boreanaz and Deschanel celebrated the series' 200th milestone episode at Herringbone Restaurant at the Mondrian Los Angeles in Beverly Hills on Dec. 8, The Daily Mail reported. The festivity marked the second celebration of its momentous episode after Fox threw a fete last month for the remarkable success of the long-running series.
After "Bones" 200th milestone episode on Dec. 11, fans will be waiting quite some time before its next episode will be aired. According to Carter Matt, Fox has already confirmed that they are not bringing the series back to the air soon, instead the next all-new episode will premiere on March 26, 2015.
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