"Agent Carter" Season 1 Episode 4 Spoilers - After Marvel's "Agent Carter" premiered on television three weeks ago, the show is now down to its fourth episode. This week, as more exciting surprises start to unravel, Peggy Carter's (Hayley Atwell) secret missions won't be coming to an end.
In "Agent Carter" Season 1 Episode 4 titled "The Blitzkrieg Button," KSiteTV hinted that the show will have a huge guest star to appear in the episode. The surprise guest is supposed to be the man who will meet Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper). He has also previously made a cameo in "The Avengers" and "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."
Who will be the guest star in the fourth episode? Marvel Comics writer Stan Lee will be the surprise guest who will make an appearance in "Agent Carter" Season 1 Episode 4, Christian Times revealed. Lee's cameo role will bring some amusement to the fans of the show and the Marvel world.
As Lee makes his cameo, the show's heroine, Peggy will find herself in another compromising situation as Stark makes his comeback for some unknown reasons. International Business Times reported that Stark's return will further complicate Peggy's life as she attempts to blindside the SSR (Strategic Scientific Reserve) men regarding her true intentions.
"Peggy may be in more trouble than usual when fugitive Howard Stark suddenly returns for mysterious reasons," "Agent Carter" Season 1 Episode 4 synopsis states. "And Chief Dooley chases a new clue all the way to Europe that threatens to destroy Peggy's future at the SSR."
But the chief won't be just the only one who will pursue discovering Peggy's secret. Ecumenical News revealed that Agent Jack Thompson (Chad Michael Murray) will also try to dig up her undisclosed role as a double agent.
As ABC's "Agent Carter" Season 1 heads toward its Episode 4, MStarz teases about a new information suggesting Peggy Carter finding love after Captain America's death. So, who will be Peggy's love interest? In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, executive producer Michele Fazekas and Hayley Atwell provided a bit of hints on Peggy's mystery man.
"There's fun in trying to figure out: Who is the guy she married?" Fazekas said, in which Atwell added, "We know from Winter Soldier that by the time that she's in a nursing home, Peggy's had a family, she's been married, she's had kids, and we don't know if we've met that person yet. But it could very well be one of the people that she works with."
Among the bets for Peggy's possible lover are Agent Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) and Agent Thompson. But who will be the one? Maybe we'll find out in the show's succeeding episodes.
Meanwhile, Marvel's "Agent Carter" Season 1 Episode 4, "The Blitzkrieg Button" premieres Tuesday, Jan. 27 at 9 p.m. on ABC. For a sneak peek, watch the video below.