Mom On Strike - What do you do when your lovely kids push you to that point where you cannot condone their bad behavior anymore? Well, one Winston-Salem mother has attracted media attention after she decided to teach her two teenage daughters a lesson on good manners by going on strike.
Naasira Muhammad, who has been on strike from her motherly duties for about a week now, told WFMY News that protesting is the only way she could come up with to express her anger and keep herself from doing something extreme - like beating her children or "getting rid" of them.
"I'm to the point where I'm just so frustrated, so to keep my hands off my kids or to keep me from doing something crazy, I just decided to go on strike," she said.
According to Naasira, her kids are "disrespectful" and "rude." She also said that although they have "everything they could possibly want and need," but they still regard her as mean and think that they can survive without her.
Here's Naasira Muhammad, the Winston-Salem mother who is on strike... She's not sure when she'll return to mom duties
— Taresh M. Moore (@TareshMonchel) January 20, 2015
The tipping point was when the girls keyed Naasira's new minivan. According to WFMY, she called the police on the girls, but was told that without an eyewitness there is nothing the cops can do.
Naasira said she decided to protest after seeing that she wouldn't get any reprieve from the cops. Every day for the past week, she has walked down the street from her home, holding a banner which reads "MOM ON STRIKE." She says that when she cannot walk anymore, she sits down by the road with her banner.
There have been no interviews with Naasira's teenage daughters, but reports indicate that an aunt directed them to create banners to counter their mother's. The girl's signs reportedly read "Thank you mom for providing for me, caring for me, and loving me."
Since the news of the Mom on strike was aired, many people have expressed support for Naasira on social media.
'"Stand your ground my sistermom friend#ItTakesCourage to be a Great Mom#Iamprayingforyou#She needs a vacation Please!!!" T.A. Greene wrote.
Another commenter identified as Tammy Field wrote "after surviving raising my daughter during her teenage years and short of giving up, thought of going on strike many times."
Brix Wood Fire Pizza has tweeted its intent to give Naasira a Night out at Brixx for free. It is unclear what has come of that. In the meantime, Naasira says she doesn't know when she will call of her strike.
@frank_mickens @julie_luck We'd like to give Ms. Naasira Muhammad a night out at Brixx on us. Can you help us help her? #momonstrike
— BrixxWoodFiredPizza (@BrixxPizza) January 22, 2015