Tiffany Six Exposed: Five Other Porn Stars Turned Educators[PHOTOS]

Junior high school teacher Stacie Halas was placed on administrative leave by the Oxnard School District. What did this woman do to be removed from her classroom? Halas allegedly had a previous day job in the porn industry under the name Tiffany Six.

"It's hard core pornography," said Oxnard School District Superintendent Jeff Chancer  to News24 after students discovered her work online. According to News24, Halas hasn't identified herself as her "Tiffany Six."

Halas isn't the first school employee who has allegedly dabbled in the porn industry. Over the past couple year's former porn stars have been employed, and later fired for their affiliation with the naughty industry. Take a look at four other reported porn stars turned school employees, and one teacher who did things a little backwards.

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