Who Is Stacie Halas? 6 Things To Know About Alleged Porn Star Tiffany Six

Stacie Hallas, a 7th and 8th grade science teacher, has been identified by the Smoking Gun as the woman alleged to have been living a double life as "Tiffany Six," a porn star in several videos online.

Little is known about the 31-year-old teacher from Richard B. Haydock Intermediate School in Oxnard, Calif., or the case against her. At first, officials would only confirm that they had put the teacher in question on administrative leave.

Some information, however, has slowly been released by those involved in the case.

Here's everything we know so far about the Stacie Halas-Tiffany Six case, from the type of videos Halas allegedly starred in to how the story broke, and whether she could be fired for her alleged "Tiffany Six" persona.

1. How The Oxnard School District Found Out

The 31-year-old science teacher was removed from her classroom on Monday after several of her students told school officials that they had seen her appear in a series of online pornographic videos.

Student claims that Stacie Halas had been moonlighting as "Tiffany Six" were initially dismissed when they were brought to the attention of school officials on Friday.

Over the weekend, however, teachers showed investigators some of the material allegedly starring Halas that they had downloaded from their smartphones.

Officials now say that the reason they didn't pursue the investigation initially was because the school computer system blocked access to any porn sites, making it impossible to find the videos.

2. Was Pornography 'Hard Core'?

Smoking Gun managed to track down one of the videos starring "Tiffany Six." In one of them, a film called "Big Sausage Pizza," the woman pictured engages in a variety of sexual activities with a "delivery man" for the camera.

Jeff Chancer, the Oxnard School District Superintendent, told reporters that he had viewed the films brought to the districts' attention.

"I saw parts of the video," he told News 24. "It's hard-core pornography."

He added, however, that there was no way of knowing when the porn was made, and whether or not Stacie Halas' alleged appearances in the videos happened before or after she began to work for Richard B. Haydock Intermediate School.

"There's no way to date [the videos]," he said, adding that they could have been made "two weeks or five years ago."

3. School Trying To Keep Students In Dark

School officials are asking parents and teachers to try and keep students from visiting the porn sites featuring "Tiffany Six."

On Tuesday, the day after Halas was reportedly removed from her class, Chancer sent a letter to the parents of all three of its junior high schools to warn them about the impeding scandal.

"It has been alleged that one of our teachers is depicted in at least one pornographic video and possibly others on the Internet,'' he wrote. "We ask that you be particularly vigilant over the next few days with respect to the Internet content being accessed by your child on his or her telephone or other Internet-ready device."

When he was asked if those same students might be more likely to search for the pornographic videos after that warning than they would have before, Chancer said, "I don't know."

In lieu of an actual statement, however, one Twitter user has taken it upon him or herself to create a fake Twitter account for the teacher poking fun at a teacher's versus a porn star's pay, and tweeting messages like "sex is to be celebrated!

4. Stacie Halas Remains Silent

Oxnard School District superintendent Jeff Chancer still will not confirm or deny that Stacie Halas is the teacher in the video.

He did say, however, that only one teacher was being questioned in the case, and that she was a woman who taught at Richard B. Haydock Intermediate School.

So far, Halas has issued no statement, and phone calls to her home were not immediately returned.

One Twitter user did, however, take it upon him or herself to create a fake Twitter account for the teacher, poking fun at the respective pay-scale of a teacher and a porn star and tweeting messages like ""Tiffany Six, Stacie Halas, it doesn't matter" and "Sex is to be celebrated."

5. Could Stacie Halas Be Fired?

"Maybe it's not a crime as far as the penal code is concerned, but we feel it's a crime as far as moral turpitude is concerned," said Chancer earlier today.

"We're trying to determine if there's a nexus on what she does on her own time and what she does in the classroom."

No district students or apparent minors appear in the porn videos, and the teens at Halas' school appear to have stumbled upon them by accident.

Chancer, however, asserts that the school district has the right to discipline Halas if she does turn out to be the woman in the video.

"The educational code will give us enough leeway and flexibility...to impose discipline up to and including termination," he said.

It's a position some in the online community have already come out against.

"Do u think its fair that they want to fire that Oxnard teacher because she they discovered she used to be a porn actress??" Latino 96.3 FM host Raquel Cordova tweeted. "I don't [think] it is."

"GET OVER IT, its legal," another user tweeted. "Teachers need sex too!"

6. No Parents At Meeting On 'Tiffany Six' Case

Oxnard School District officials warned parents to monitor their children after news broke that Stacie Halas might be the woman porn viewers know as "Tiffany Six."

But although officials invited parents to a board meeting on Wednesday to express their feelings about the Stacie Halas case, not one parent showed up. The school district admitted it made no extra effort to let parents know about the meeting, or to tell them whether or not they should discuss the scandal.

School-district staffers also told CBS that teachers and employees from Oxnard were told not to speak with reporters about the incident. The school where Halas teaches was involved in another sex scandal in 2010, when two junior-high students were reportedly taped by their classmates having oral sex in class.

Parents and teachers from other school districts, however, did show up at the meeting, saying it was their "moral obligation" to be there. Victor Manriquez, who has an 11-year-old daughter in the system, said he felt morally obligated to show up.

Manriquez told CBS reportersd in Spanish that he was disappointed in parents who failed to attend the meeting and appeared to be uninterested in the scandal that's unfolding at Haydock Intermediate School.

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