Lottery Winner Arthur Neal Found Dead: 86-Year-Old Lottery Winner Who Disappeared A Day After, Found Dead From Stab Wounds

Lottery Winner Arthur Neal Found Dead - Authorities in Detroit have found the body of an elderly man who went missing a day after he reportedly won $20,000 in a lottery game.

According to reports, 86-year-old Arthur Neal Jr. was last seen at his home in the 17200 block of Trinity Street on Dec. 28.

Detroit police spokesman Officer Adam Madera said on Wednesday that Neal's body was found on Sunday afternoon with multiple stab wounds in the basement of a vacant home on the 15000 block of Mansfield Street.

The body was already covered at the time investigators found it.

According to reports from a autopsy conducted by officials at the Wayne County Medical Examiner's Office, Arthur Neal suffered multiple stabs wounds that ultimately led to his death.

Neal's family said he had won $20,000 in a lottery on Dec. 20, only a day before his disappearance. However, according to Madera, investigators have not yet confirmed if a person with Neal's name won a lottery and when.

Representatives of Michigan Lottery could not be reached to ascertain Neal's win at the time this report was written.

However, investigators are on the lookout for anyone using the name of the deceased to cash in a ticket.

Authorities are investigating Arthur Neal's death as a homicide. At this time no suspects have been arrested in connection with the crime.

The news of the missing lottery winner found dead has since gone viral with many expressing sadness at the outcome. Others expressed caution, citing that Arthur Neal's murderer was simply jealous of his money.