Is The Mid Still Selling? Mike Greenberg Tricked Into Asking A Very Inappropriate Question On Air [VIDEO]

"Is The Mid Still Selling?" This was the question asked by Martin Greenberg on ESPN before Mike Smith and Jemele Hill suddenly burst into laughter on Mike and Mike this morning.

The question that may be on the mind of some people is what is the "Mid" and what is happening with its sales.

Mid is actually an abbreviation of medium grade marijuana. Don't bother checking it in your dictionary, you wouldn't find it. This term - like many others associated with marijuana - is a "street word" used colloquially by connoisseurs of the plant.

Perhaps the only way to differentiate Mid from high grade marijuana is to sample it. But most of the time, high trade marijuana are traded under exotic sounding names, while mid is labeled less opulent.

There are generally two strains of marijuana; indica and sativa. While indica often has a heavy sleepy effect, sativa has a light psychedelic effect. Experts say most Mid on the market are high sativa strains.

Now that we know what the Mid is, we can turn to the issue of the sales of the Mid. The legalization of marijuana in the country has led to the introduction of high grade strains, and this may seem to have chalked into the sales of the Mid. Today, cannabis growers can experiment freely, mixing sativa and indica to create high quality strains. But it would be premature to say that the Mid is not selling anymore.

Although officials sources the importation of weed from Mexico - one of the primary sources of Mid in the country - has drastically reduced, it is clear that the Mid continues to exist in the illegal market and other parts of the country where marijuana hasn't been legalized.