New England Blizzard: Winter Storm Neptune Expected To Hit Cape Cod, Maine and Boston Over The Weekend

New England Blizzard - The National Weather Service has announced that parts of New England, including Boston, may be stuck with a blizzard named Winter Storm Neptune on Saturday evening.

The storm is expected to bring as much a foot of new snow and gusting winds moving up to 70 miles per hour.

8 to 12 inches of snow have been forecasted for the Boston area, while as much as 16 inches in coastal Maine.

The National Weather Service has already issued a blizzard watch for the entire coast of New England, spanning from Cape Cod in southeast Massachusetts through to the Boston area. New Hampshire's Seacoast region, the entire coast of Maine, and Bangor would also be affected.

The blizzard watch comes after about three weeks of snow that has surpassed records in parts of New England, Bangor and Worcester.

According to Frank Pereira, a meteorologist with the U.S. Weather Prediction Center, Winter Storm Neptune will start as a low pressure system currently moving over central Canada and heading southeastward Friday towards the Great Lakes.

Reports indicate that as the blizzard makes its way to the east, it is predicted to cause a strong storm to develop off the coast of New England; bringing heavy snow.

"Late Saturday into Sunday, blizzard condition could make traveling difficult if not impossible," the agency said. "Blowing and drifting snow combined with strong winds may create problems for uncleared roofs."

Airport delays and cancellations are expected on Saturday afternoon at several airports including Boston/Logan and airports in the New York City area.

Strong winds are also expected to cause cancellations and delays for all major Northeast airports on Sunday.

Authorities have cautioned residents to be cautious and take the blizzard warning into consideration as they draw their Valentine's weekend plans.