Valerie Fairman, who starred in the hit MTV show 16 and Pregnant, has been arrested for prostitution after she agreed to perform a sexual act on an undercover police officer in exchange for money.
According to reports, the 21-year-old, who gained fame after featuring in the Season 2 of the MTV show in 2010 while she was pregnant with daughter Nevaeh Lynn, was arrested on Thursday.
Police in Castle, Delaware said officials spotted Valerie Fairman streetwalking. She was arrested after she "agreed to perform a sexual act for cash."
Valerie Fairman and seven other unidentified women were arrested for prostitution. She was reportedly the youngest of the lot.
Their arrests were made during a sting operation, which involved different law enforcement departments; including the Delaware State Police New Castle Governor's Task Force and its New Castle County Drug Unit.
The New Castle County Police Department and the Wilmington Police Department also took part in the operation.
"These areas were targeted in response to numerous citizen complaints of prostitution and other quality of life crimes that have been occurring," a police statement post on Facebook read.
Fairman and the other women have each been "issued a criminal summons." Fairman still remains in police custody following her arrest. A date, which has not been disclosed at the time this article was written, has been set for her to appear in court.
Since her first appearance on 16 and Pregnant along with her boyfriend Matt, Valerie Fairman has been arrested twice. The first was for assault after she punched her adoptive mother.
Valerie Fairman is part of an adoptive family of 11 kids living in Oxford, Pennsylvania. She reportedly shared partial custody of her daughter with her adoptive parents when she went to rehab for drug-issues.