In Pursuing Your Dreams There is No Such Thing as Too Late

Just because you have reached a certain age and have not yet accomplished all you had hoped, it shouldn't dim your light of confidence. You can still reach that pivotal point in your career you had always wished for. Believe it or not, some of the big name actors and celebrity personalities we see on the television also started their careers when they were in more mature stages of their lives.

Harrison Ford did not become the great Indiana Jones we know him as today, until he reached the age of 35. Prior to his fame, he struggled to get acting gigs and decided to make a job of carpentry. He had taught himself the trade to compensate for the lack of financial income he was receiving from his acting career. It took him 29 years to land in the right place, and even then he did not make it onto the silver screen until 6 years later. At age 29 he met George Lucas, who hired him to build cabinets in his home. It wasn't until his mid-30's that he landed a significant role as Hans Solo in George Lucas' Star Wars.

The warm face of Martha Stewart would have been an unfamiliar one if we had met her prior to her 30's. Before then, she worked as a stockbroker. She and her husband purchased an old farmhouse together and began fixing it up. Working to restore the farmhouse with her husband helped her to recognize how much she enjoyed restorative work. Soon after, she quickly identified another passion of hers. Martha and a close friend began a catering service in her home. It wasn't until she decided to leave her job in her 30's and focus on catering, rebuilding, and writing cookbooks, that she became the famous face we recognize today.

Before Sylvester Stallone was Rocky Balboa, he was a struggling actor who was never truly recognized for his acting ability until he was 30. He had written the script for Rocky and had presented it to producers. It wasn't until several offers later and his ability to convince them to let him star in the movie that he had gotten his big break. When Rocky released, it won Best Picture at the Oscars and took Stallone's career to new heights.

These success stories show us that you don't have to be in your youth to recognize and pursue your goals. It's never too late until you tell yourself it is.