Ashley Brady Miamisburg: Amputee Described As 'Cry Baby One Leg' After Demanding That Her Neighbor Stops Parking In Spot For Handicapped Persons

Ashley Brady Miamisburg - The plight of a disabled woman in Ohio has attracted the attention of thousands of people on social media after relatives posted an insulting note she received from a neighbor due to a parking space dispute.

Ashley Brady, 26, reportedly lost her right leg in an accident last year. Since then, she has had to learn how to walk using a prosthetic leg.

"I struggled a lot across the snow and ice in the parking lot trying to learn how to balance and walk," Brady reveals."I fell multiple times all of which my neighbors have seen."

In order to ease her movement, Brady says she requested that the management of her apartment complex create a handicapped parking space that is close to her door. After waiting for a while, Brady says she finally had her request granted last week Thursday. But on Saturday, she returned home to find someone's car in her parking space.

So, Brady decided to leave a note on the vehicle she found on the handicapped parking space. "I was stern and confident in what I was saying and just letting her know she doesn't know what it's like to walk around without your own leg," she said.

But beyond her wildest expectations, Brady found a "rude" and "mean" response to her note attached to her car. It reads, "Hey handicap! First, never place your hands on my car again! Second, honey you ain't the only one with "struggles." You want pity go to a one leg support group! You messed with the wrong one! I don't care what your note said shove it, but you touch my car again I will file a report. I am not playing! I let the office know the cry baby one leg touches my property I will cause trouble so go cry your struggles to someone who cares cause I'm walking away with both mine!"

Brady said she read the note several times because she could not believe its content. Her sister later posted it on Facebook and it has been shared thousands of times.

Brady has filed for grievance with the Miamisburg police. It is unclear if the management of the property will take any action against the tenant who insulted Brady.

Meanwhile, Brady has found out that a lot of people support her. "You're not just going to get what you want by being bullying. She told me to cry to someone who cares, so I went to the internet and it turns out a lot of people care," Brady reveals.