Careers That Guarantee A Job

Although unemployment rates continue to rise this year, there are some career fields that are desperate for employees and are constantly looking to hire qualified people to fill positions. Below are three fields that almost assure that those with experience or the education in them will get jobs.

1. Healthcare

Healthcare is by far one of the most promising fields to find a career in. Positions including nursing, treatment therapy, medical assistant, and medical technology technician are amongst the largest hiring positions. Those in pharmacy, health education, and medical administration follow close behind. According to the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, college graduates who majored in areas related to healthcare were least likely to experience unemployment. Professions in healthcare have proven to be least affected by the recent economic slump.

2. Science

Oftentimes the foundation behind many medically related fields is science, which comes second in career fields that are most promising. Some science careers including geophysics engineering and astrophysics have close to zero unemployment rates. This clearly shows that people in these fields have almost a sure fire shot of employment following degrees in these fields. Criminal justice fields such as forensics, crime scene examiner, or medical examiner positions also have low unemployment rates.

3. Mathematics

Math related jobs, or jobs that require skills in math are always looking to hire people. Jobs such as mechanical and electrical engineering, physics, and finance are in very high demand. Positions as an actuary have been found to guarantee a job for those academically qualified for the position and for those who can pass the actuarial exam. In these math related fields, unemployment is at a steady low of 3.8 percent and only goes up to 5 percent when there are increases in rates. This falls far below the nationwide average of unemployment.