"Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens" continues to be shrouded in mystery despite its imminent release date this December. But the secrecy on the work being carried out behind the highly anticipated flick does not stop rabid fans from scavenging spoilers and interesting bits about the movie.
This week a couple of spoilers on the "Return of the Jedi" successor have landed online, and obviously die-hard fans are rejoicing for the new details they can expect from the 2015 film.
According to Polygon, Star Wars Celebration officially dropped an exclusive peek on the all-new Stormtrooper suit.
Though it appears that nothing was changed for the new look of the Stormtrooper, a closer look reveals that the makers have added additional pistol holster on the thigh area. The face has also been modified but not to the extent that it looks different from the previous one.
IGN has learned that during the convention this weekend, a new trailer for the sci-fi film will be released, alongside the unveiling of the Star Wars: Battlefront gameplay.
Several insiders claim the new trailer will feature the return of Harrison Ford as Han Solo and Carrie FIsher as Princess Leia.
Insiders also insist that the sneak peek will give a first look at Finn holding a blue lightsaber, Captain Phasma and Darth Vader's helmet, reports Independent.
Interestingly, a first look at villain Kylo Ren is also making rounds on the Internet. The photo shows the major baddie sporting a red lightsaber. Plus, it also shows his headgear, without showing the face of teh character behind the mask.
Then, there's also a leaked synopsis of "Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens," which suggests that Luke Skywalker is going to suffer severe mental torture while protecting his turf against certain entities from different time periods: past, present and future, according to Christian Today.
Disney Films has yet to confirm or deny the validity of the leaked plot.