Pinterest May Be Able to Boost Careers

Pinterest, an online pin board where people can "pin" images to share with the world, may be able to help bolster up your career. It has recently become a very popular networking tool in showing what kind of skills people have and what kind of employee they might be.

Brie Reynolds, content and social media manager for the job based website FlexJobs, explains why he thinks it can help. "A picture is worth 1,000 words," she told cbsnews. "Most job-searching takes place through text. It gets kind of boring and tedious. Pinterest adds this entire visual element."

Using Pinterest, people can transform resume content into something much more exciting and visually appealing. For example, on the site, instead of posting a picture of a resume, people can create a collague of logos from previous employers, pictures from the University they attend or graduated from, photos of the person doing volunteer work, or even pictures of their hobbies.

Typical resumes tend to consist of lists of jobs and skills, whereas a Pinterest resume or portfolio creates a visual that is more likely to stick with employers than words written on paper might. The creativity that Pinterest allows people to have in creating a resume is a good way to show employers that you can think innovatively and out of the box, something that can help set you apart from other applicants or employees.

"People start picturing you doing this actual work," Reynolds says. Having a mental image of someone makes [them] seem more familiar -- not a bad thing when you're job-hunting. You'll also want to have a traditional resume, but linking to a Pinterest resume from your LinkedIn profile could give you an extra edge."