What To Expect From ‘The Flash’ Movie Starring Ezra Miller By Warner Bros.

Yes! Whether you like it or not, there's going to be a "Flash" movie that stars Ezra Miller as the fast running superhero. The big screen adaptation of "The Flash'"from Warner Bros. is going to have very familiar elements presented in The CW's "Flash." However, instead of featuring a similar storyline, the movie is going to be a standalone flick.

Phil Lord and Christopher Miller were reportedly contemplating on the direction of the film. After much thought, they have decided to go for a standalone film, one that will only present a very exciting storyline behind The Flash.

"The Flash [incarnation is] kind of a standalone" film," Lord said in a Hippojuice podcast, per SlashFilm's report.

Lord added: "It really is its own thing, and kind of a standalone movie. We're just trying to think of the best story. I think you guys will like it, it's kind of a different take on superhero stuff."

While this may be a disappointment to some fans, the fact that the upcoming 'Flash' movie is going to be a standalone one actually gives others a sense of content.

For one, it will not interfere with how The CW is presenting Barry Allen's story on the small screen. Plus, it will also be enough to just introduce The Flash after he joins the Justice League for the "Justice League: Part 1" film that is expected to be out on Nov. 23, 2017.

'The Flash' movie is set to hit theaters on Mach 23, 2018. It's still unclear whether Warner Bros. will be moving to a new direction and push through with a larger franchise plan for its Flash flick.

Talking about the film, Lord said, "I believe [our Flash] is going to be Barry Allen." He then continued: "It's interesting, because there's a really popular TV show out there, and we're trying to carve out space for the movie that's apart from that. [And] I think we're doing alright."

Though it appears that Phil Lord and Christopher Miller are already gearing for the big screen debut of the scarlet speedster, the Hollywood Reporter has learned that no one has officially signed on to make the project.

Interestingly, both have been very busy with the animated "Spider-Man" movie that they are currently working on under Sony.

"We're sort of juggling superheroes with the color red in them, that's all we do. [laughter] We're trying not to confuse their powers or anything, but it does get tricky. But it's the same thing, is there a way to do one of these movies in a new way? That's the exciting thing about it being animated, is it opens up a lot of different possibilities," Lord said.

The Flash