‘Hannibal’ Season 3 Cancelled [UPDATE]: 4 Reasons Why NBC’s Acclaimed Horror Series Bids Goodbye After Three Seasons

"Hannibal" Season 3 Latest Update - "Hannibal" fans all over the world are definitely mourning after NBC announced its cancellation. The DeLaurentiis Company, the show's production house, confirmed the cancellation on Twitter.

It appears that "Hannibal" Season 3 will be the last installment for the television adaptation of the movie, "Silence of the Lambs." According to Digital Spy, showrunner Bryan Fuller confirmed on June 22 that "Hannibal" won't be renewed for a fourth season. However, he vaguely hinted that the series may have a future elsewhere.

"NBC has allowed us to craft a television series that no other broadcast network would have dared, and kept us on the air for three seasons despite Cancellation Bear Chow ratings and images that would have shredded the eyeballs of lesser Standards & Practices enforcers," Fuller said in a statement.

"[NBC Boss] Jen Salke and her team have been fantastic partners and creatively supportive beyond measure," he continued. "HANNIBAL is finishing his last course at NBC's table this summer, but a hungry cannibal can always dine again. And personally, I look forward to my next meal with NBC."

Meanwhile, as "Hannibal" finally ends with a full 13-episode third season, we are citing 4 reasons why NBC's acclaimed series has been axed.

1. A copyright issue has been cited as one of the reasons. Irish Independent revealed Fuller wanted to introduce Clarice Starling, the character previously portrayed by Jodie Foster, in season four. Unfortunately, the rights to the character are said to be unavailable.

2. "Hannibal" is not the easiest series to follow and never felt like a network show. As per Irish Examiner, the cancellation was not really a surprise especially with the alarmingly intimate nature of its violence, the seriously dark themes and subject matter it was exploring.

3. While "Hannibal" has never been big on ratings, it has been a critical favorite and was praised for pushing the boundaries of broadcast television through graphically and visually creative scenes. Despite the good news and solid writing, its third season has given unfavorable ratings, Deadline noted.

4. "Hannibal" series is looking for a new home. E! News reported that De Laurentiis Company, the show's production house, is currently in discussions to continue the series on a different network or another media platform.

"Gang, #Hannibal cancellation rumor is true. Important things to keep in mind: First, the remaining 10 episodes of S3 will air & are amazing," the company posted on Twitter. "Second, we are exploring other options for future seasons. Third, we are incredibly grateful for the amazing support and partnership with NBC. We made three rewarding seasons together. We hope to bring you future seasons. Let's focus on the amazing #Fannibal family we have formed, and move forward together!"

As the sudden cancellation of "Hannibal" has left Fannibals aghast, a social media campaign with a hashtag #SaveHannibal was launched. In the meantime, tune in every Thursdays at 10 p.m. on NBC as Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham finish off the final course of "Hannibal" Season 3.

Hannibal Season 3, Hannibal Season 3 Update, Social media, Twitter