Say goodbye to short smartphone battery life as Samsung takes another quantum step by doubling the life of your phone according to the new developments from Samsung's creative team of researchers.
According to Newsfactor, the Samsung Team provided complete information on how they managed creating this new technology that would astronomically prolong battery life in future handheld devices, as published in the journal, "Nature Communications," using a combination of graphene and silicon anodes.
Using silicon anode in batteries is not something new. Some electronic devices have been using this technology, since tech developers have been investigating the effectiveness of silicon in modern-day batteries for its capacity to store more electricity in relation to its mass.
However, the problem is that silicon's ability to hold a charge deteriorates after its charge-discharge phase in the course of its usage; hence, their shorter lifespan over lithium-ion.
Another problem to take note of is that silicon anodes expand as they are charged and shrink as they discharge, making a significant size difference of 400 percent, which may affect design in smartphones. Considerable space should be allotted for such change in size or silicon anodes would just continue to have a short lifespans.
Samsung's development team found a solution by coating the anodes with graphene, which prevents the silicon from expanding. This method could provide better battery power as it could hold more charge and with minimal risk of quick deterioration, as expansion and contraction are controlled. The Empire State Tribune simply summarized it as a combination of silicon and graphene into one package that will give smartphone users longer battery life.
Engadget reported that by discovering an innovative approach of layering a silicon surface with high-crystalline graphene, Samsung's Advanced Institute of Technology significantly made a giant step at doubling the performance of batteries using lithium-ion technology.
Although the research is still in its infancy, such development could create a significant mark on digital devices and electric transportation. Samsung managed to create a battery that can store 1.5 to 1.8 times more energy than the standard capacity of commercial smartphone batteries. Commercial production for this new battery has not yet started, but its marvelous design could serve a model for newly-produced silicon anode models.