Networking: Quick Tips and Statistics

"The exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions; specifically: the cultivation of productive relationships for employment." The Merriam Webster Dictionary never fails, because this defines networking in its entire entity!

Networking is vital if you want to get further up the ladder of success. The only way companies will notice you, is if you make yourself noticed. Imagine yourself at a big networking event and you are given the opportunity to speak in front of 50 people who could be potential help in your job search. If you don't make eye contact, speak too softly and don't strive to be unforgettable, then it would have all been a waste.

Networking isn't just about new people, but it's begins with the people you already know. It's all about creating a web of connections until you eventually branch out to the job or company you have your hopes set on. Touch base with all your references, because if a potential employer calls them, you can bet they will not hesitate as much when remembering who you are.

Networking works. At least 60% (some report even higher statistics) of all jobs are found by networking. Continue developing contacts, whether it be friends, family neighbors, college alumni, or people in associations. You want anyone who might help generate information and job leads.

Get out there and meet new people. Be confident, speak with a powerful voice, and most importantly, be interesting.

Check out these statistics published in 2010, by Impact Group:

- Face-to-face meeting and telephone were most prevalent forms of networking. Email and online networking only account for 6%.

- Networking was the most effective method at 34% and applying online was second with a 26% success rate. Among networking approaches, referrals from within the organization (18%) and outside the organization (9%) are the most successful ways to land the opportunity. (Impact Group 2010)

- 26.7% of external hires made by organizations came from referrals, making it the number one external source of hiring for the participating firms.

- For those 50+, networking has a 46% effectiveness and recruiters become LESS effective dropping from 13% to 5%