How's Robin Thicke after the divorce and the controversy behind "Blurred Lines" — a worldwide hit back in 2013?
The 38-year-old singer is trying to put his life back on track and is seeing it on a new perspective. The lawsuit was based on the premise that the lyrics of the song "Blurred Lines" copied "some elements" from the 1977 hit song "Got to Give It Up." The court ordered Robin Thicke and co-collaborator Pharell Williams to pay $7.4 million to the three surviving children of Marvin Gaye.
ContactMusic.Com reported that Thicke and Williams are in the process of appealing the court's decision. Thicke said, "I know the difference between inspiration and theft. I'm constantly inspired, but I would never steal. And neither would Pharell."
Thicke also said to CBC that he was "going through personal hell at the time. And I was careless in the deposition. Obviously, I didn't give my all to the trial." Thicke was going through a painful divorce with his ex-wife Paula Patton.
After the divorce and his problems with "Blurred Lines," Thicke focused on raising his son. He also managed to complete another album and is in the process of appealing his case. He is slowly picking up from the pieces of his life and is moving on.
The Mirror reported that Thicke has a new inspiration that goes with the name of April Love Geary. The two has been going out for six months and are often seen together in New York and Los Angeles. The couple was seen leaving the Tribeca Hotel.
The 38-year-old singer said that if the verdict will not change, he is quite sure that it will have "ripple effects" to everyone in the music industry. Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars' hit single "Uptown Funk!" is now on the same boat as "Blurred Lines." The song is very similar to the song "Oops Up Side Your Head" originally sang by the Gap Band which now includes them in the credits.