Kit Harington's Hair [PHOTOS] Keeps 'Game Of Thrones' Fans Asking — Is Jon Snow Still Alive?

Fans of the HBO hit "Game of Thrones" have still not moved on after watching the heartbreaking season 5 finale which featured the stabbing of the 998th Lord Commander of the "Night's Watch" by his comrades from the Black Wall.

Most "Game of Thrones" followers were still in denial and refused to believe that their beloved character, Winterfell's favorite bastard, Jon Snow, was dead. Theories such as Jon being resurrected by Melisandre as Azor Ahai or warging into his direwolf Ghost have been circulating ever since Season 5 ended.

MTV revealed that the predicament of Jon Snow may be grim, judging from the amount of blood seeping on the snow when he was stabbed several times, the final blow coming from young Olly. Unlike that of Ray Velcoro of HBO's "True Detective" who, although was left losing a lot of blood on the ground, miraculously survived and was seen in this week's episode, fans still cling to the belief that Jon may still be alive.

Anyway, on to Kit Harington's signature "Game of Thrones" look, which fans have been raving about! Remember, avid fans are gathering clues no matter how minute the detail is. It's a long wait until next season.

NZHerald reported that when the actor stepped out wearing his unruly beard and long locks (looking a lot like his character Jon Snow) in Wimbledon, fans' hopes were fueled as they believe he will make a comeback in Season 6.

It can be recalled that when Harington graced the premiere of the "Testament of Youth," he was sporting a shorter 'do which led to fans' hysteria that he may not come back for another "Game of Thrones" season. (Note: actors rarely change their appearance if they are still doing the same project.)

Harington has already said that Jon Snow is dead and that he will not be returning to fight White Walkers, as told by Time.

Well, never say never.

Listen well, David Benioff! They want Kit Harington in Season 6.

Kit Harington, Jon Snow, Game of thrones