Rihanna's Newest Music Video 'B***h Better Have My Money' Sparks Controversy For Featuring Too Much Violence, Nudity

Leave it to Rihanna to put everyone on the edge. The video of her latest single "B***h Better Have My Money" (BBHMM) is the latest fuel source of intrigue and controversy.

The seven-minute video is in essence a short film about an accountant who scammed Rihanna. To get even and in hopes of getting her money back, she kidnapped his wife — a blonde, white girl with expensive taste. The video innocently started with the accountant's wife applying lipstick, preparing for her errands of the day, not aware that her fate is about to change.

After the first scene, the accountant's wife gets inside the elevator and as luck would have it, Rihanna is there waiting. After that scene, Rihanna gets out of the elevator with a big trunk, presumed to contain the accountant wife's body.

According to NZ Herald, the song BBHMM is based on Rihanna's bad experience with accountant Peter Gounis. Back in 2012 Rihanna sued Gounis on the basis that Gounis gave her "unsound financial advice." Rihanna claimed that she lost $9 million in 2009. Rihanna eventually won the case.

Daily Mail reported that Rihanna's BBHMM music video is so graphic that viewers are "shocked" with the torture and murder scenes — the kind of scenes and plot that people would only see on crime thrillers. Parents are concerned that children can watch the show freely on YouTube, and as of writing, the video has at least 15 million hits.

The Guardian cited that today's "pop culture" can really influence a lot of people, especially children. It sparks debate whether being a successful artist gives anyone the license to make a video that endorses "misogyny." Some also think that the video is racist and that it focuses on social standard.

Rihanna has yet to comment on the controversies surrounding her new music video, but it is clearly making waves and maybe more in the coming days.

Watch the video here:

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