3 Dirty Jobs No One Would Want

With a suffering job market and the rate of unemployment steadily increasing, many people are becoming desperate for employment opportunities and are often taking anything they can find. However even with this rush of people looking for employment, some industries still struggle with finding people to fill positions. Not because of a lack of qualification in people applying, but because there are very few people brave enough to work in these industries. Why is that? It's because these are three of the dirtiest jobs that no one would want to do:

1. Dairy Farm Hand

Most people would refuse this job opportunity solely off of the graveyard shift hours and the freezing or overheated barns these workers have to work in alone. Aside from that, while milking a cow, ones face is oftentimes right by the cows' rare end and workers are oftentimes left dodging pieces of manure while milking. There is a large shortage of American dairy farm workers, and almost half of the current workers in this industry are foreigners. According to the National Milk Producers Federation, close to 4,500 farms would be forced to close down if they didn't have these workers.

2. Head Lice Technician

Although the number of people with head lice is growing in large amounts annually, the amount of people taking on jobs to pick lice out of people's heads are not. In many head lice businesses, only half of those who apply and are offered interviews actually show up to them. Furthermore, many of these positions have been open for years with little to no applicants seeking the position.

3. Septic tank/sewer pipe servicer

This job often requires that septic tank technicians squeeze into crammed, unsanitary, and nauseating places to unclog sewers. Just to make things worse, oftentimes these tight spaces are swarming with rats. Even with a starting wage of $17 an hour, businesses looking to hire septic tank and sewer pipe servicers are finding it hard to find ready and willing people to take on this position.