Scott Walker: Next U.S. President? Wisconsin Governor Declares Candidacy For 2016 Presidential Election

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker for president? On Monday, the 47-year-old Marquette University dropout became the latest addition to the 2016 presidential nomination list. He is also the 15th prominent Republican to win the nomination and the first nominee of a major party without a college degree.

Even though it is still too early to predict the winners of the upcoming 2016 elections, Scott Walker will be the first presidential dropout if ever elected since Harry Truman in 1945. Despite the lack of degree, Yahoo! Politics noted it didn't hinder the American politician in winning a position in a string of local offices.

Almost half of Americans may never heard of Scott Walker, a presidential hopeful, but popularity seemed to be not a major factor for the Badger State governor as he has leaped as one of the top candidates for the 2016 election. And while Walker's relative obscurity can be his huge asset, USA Today revealed it can also be his major liability.

"The reason he's considered in the top tier nationally even though he falls behind a fistful of other candidates is because he's running so strongly in Iowa for the moment," Iowa-based pollster J. Ann Selzer said of Walker. "The most important thing a candidate can do is win something, and the first thing they can win is Iowa. We know Iowa can propel someone who's not that well-known - President Jimmy Carter - into the White House."

It was also noted that Scott Walker is taken seriously as a presidential candidate for historic and geographic reasons. For historic, he became the first U.S. territory governor who have survived a recall election in 2012. The geographic reason, on the other hand, is Walker's Midwestern mien being a good fit since Wisconsin shares a border with Iowa, which holds the opening caucuses early next year.

Meanwhile, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker started his presidential campaign in Waukesha Monday. Though he is just the latest candidate to join the jam-packed Republican team, he enters at the top of almost every poll in Iowa and is a strong contender at early gatherings. According to NPR, his presidential platform is summarized into three words: Reform, Growth and Safety.

"We just have a government in Washington that can't seem to get the job done. You know, Washington, or as I call it, 68 square miles surrounded by reality," Walker said at his presidential campaign. "The good news is that there is still time left to turn things around. To do this, we need new, fresh leadership. Leadership with big, bold ideas from outside of Washington."

2016 Presidential elections
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