Top 10 Startups to Work for After College

Recent college graduates are looking towards startups as a more promising route to landing their first job. Luckily, many of today's startup companies are looking for young talent to help them grow within their industries.

The top 10 startups to work for after college were chosen based on qualities such as the startup's mission, company culture, competitive salary, and even an emphasis on teamwork:

1. Square: this company helps customers "reinvent how people pay and get paid," and continuously has open positions in various areas from engineering to creative.

2. Zipcar: this is the largest car sharing service worldwide and has various locations within the US, UK and Canada.

3. Foursquare: this startup helps people and places connect more efficiently.

4. HelloWallet: a D.C. based startup with the focus of helping users manage their money more wisely.

5. Simplee: employees at this start up help users understand, pay, and track their health care bills

6. StumbleUpon: this well-known startup helps users find unique web content, and even includes "amazing" perks for its employees such as gym and wellness reimbursement, as well as breakfast and lunch 5 days a week.

7. Pinterest: this startup helps connect users based on their interests.

8. Kiva: a non-profit startup that aids in alleviating poverty by giving out microloans. There are numerous job opening listed on the company's website.

9. this Seattle based real estate startup looks for employees who are interested in innovation, collaboration, and who can appreciate a lively and comfortable company culture.

10. BrightSource Energy, Inc.: this startup, which focuses on clean energy, is looking for people who are passionate about the cause to work with them.