5 Ways to Keep Your Job Despite the Tough Economy

With the economy at a steady slump, employers continue to make job cuts in attempts to stay afloat. It is important that employees stay right there with them by showing employers that they are an asset to the company. Here are five ways to keep you off the employee layoff list.

1. Add Value

This is probably one of the biggest favors you can do for yourself, employer, and clients. If you are not adding value, this will often place you on the next-to-go list. Since you are being paid to do your job, it is important that you continuously evaluate if what you are doing is valued as beneficial. If it is not, it is important to create a plan on how you can begin to make your work worth keeping you around.

2. Sell Yourself

Adding value is a first step, but it is important that your employer is aware that you are doing so. Don't be afraid to bring recognition onto your accomplishments. You can do this by reminding pleased clients or customers to inform your supervisor of your great work. If you have in fact earned the praise, most clients are glad to tell someone about it.

3. Stay Current

Being knowledgeable about new technology and various forms of it will always give you the upper hand. Being skilled in these things allows employers to not only utilize the tools you possess, but it also makes them more apt to keeping you around because your abilities.

4. Network Within the Workplace
This is very helpful in finding out about new opportunities that exist within the job or in other areas within the company. It is also a good way of making your cohort aware of your skills. When people are aware of what you are capable of doing, they can recommend you to new openings within the company that you may take interest in.

5. Show Flexibility

This helps you add value to yourself as an employee. Someone who is willing to learn many jobs brings much more to the company than someone who remains stuck in the confines of their position. Companies like the idea of not having to hire many people for various jobs, so being able to hire one employee who is flexible and can willingly do many things gives you the competitive edge you need to keep you around.