Choosing the best college or university for you can be difficult, and it basically comes down to finances for the most part. According to a survey by the National Association of College and University Business Officers, it is noted that the average student who entered a private institution in fall 2010 received a tuition discount of nearly 50 percent.
Financial assistance gives man students an opportunity to afford to even look at higher-priced schools. Others may simply explore private schools that offer a more manageable price from the start.
Among the 829 private colleges and universities that reported data to U.S. News in a 2011 survey of undergraduate programs, the average cost of tuition and required fees for the 2011-2012 academic year is $27,340. The 10 least expensive private colleges in the United States cost an average of $6,115 annually for tuition and fees, which is down from $7,220 annually the year before
These private institutions offer the least expensive tuition and fees in the country:
10. Amridge University (AL)
Tuition and fees (2011-2012): $8,420
U.S. News rank and category: RNP*, National Liberal Arts Colleges
9. Lane College
Tuition and fees (2011-2012): $8,220
U.S. News rank and category: RNP, National Liberal Arts Colleges
8. Rust College (MS)
Tuition and fees (2011-2012): $8,100
U.S. News rank and category: RNP, National Liberal Arts Colleges
7. Concordia College (AL)
Tuition and fees (2011-2012): $7,920
U.S. News rank and category: RNP, Regional Colleges (South)
6. Arkansas Baptist College
Tuition and fees (2011-2012): $7,800
U.S. News rank and category: RNP, Regional Colleges (South)
5. Mid-Continent University (KY)
Tuition and fees (2011-2012): $7,300
U.S. News rank and category: RNP, Regional Colleges (South)
4. Brigham Young University--Provo
Tuition and fees (2011-2012): $4,560
U.S. News rank and category: 71, National Universities
3. Brigham Young University--Hawaii
Tuition and fees (2011-2012): $4,450
U.S. News rank and category: 23, Regional Colleges (West)
2. Brigham Young University--Idaho
Tuition and fees (2011-2012): $3,470
U.S. News rank and category: 12, Regional Colleges (West)
1. Berea College (KY)
Tuition and fees (2011-2012): $910
U.S. News rank and category: 71, National Liberal Arts Colleges
*RNP denotes an institution that is ranked in the bottom one fourth of its ranking category. U.S. News calculates a rank for the school but has decided not to publish it.