‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ Producer Says Releasing Trailer Is A ‘Scary-A— Deal’; Plus Official PHOTOS Revealed

While "X-Men" fans may have jumped for joy because of the online leaked footage of the "X-Men: Apocalypse" official trailer that was shown at the San Diego Comic-Con 2015, the producer of the much-anticipated flick, Hutch Parker, was actually not that pleased of the bootleg. The Fox exec-turned-movie producer revealed that the trailer was only intended to "excite a core" of opinion-makers.

Amid the buildup of excitement over the leaked footage of the "X-Men: Apocalypse" trailer is Parker's clarification that the leak was not at all part of the marketing endeavors for the upcoming mutant-themed movie, SuperHeroHype reported.

When asked if the footage leaks following Comic-Con were all part of the marketing plans for the showcased films at the fanfare, Parker insisted that the materials they prepare for the convention were not all intended to be leaked online.

"I'd say it really isn't intended to be leaked. It's really intended to excite a core. From a marketing perspective, what they want is to share it with the most discerning eyes that are out there for this material," Parker said.

Parker then went on to say that attempting to pique the interests of critical people is a "scary-a- deal," adding that critics are very vocal when they do not like what they see at Comic-Con.

"[Showing footage] is something people do with trepidation, but with hope. We make a movie and you want to believe it's going to be great," Parker said. We go in wanting to be accepted and embraced, and ideally even acknowledged for having done it well."

Explaining why bootlegs are not good for upcoming movies, Parker said, "Leaking footage a year in advance of a movie's release is not such a good thing. The reason you don't see footage out that far is you run the risk of it getting stale," IGN has learned.

While Warner Bros. already caved in by releasing the "Suicide Squad" trailer online and Fox already confirming that the "Deadpool" trailer is set to land online in a couple of weeks, the official teaser clip of "X-Men: Apocalpyse" will not be released anytime soon.

Nevertheless, five First Look photos from "X-Men: Apocalypse," which is already halfway through before wrapping up production, have been released online via Entertainment Weekly.

One photo shows Oscar Isaac donning the costume of Apocalypse or En Sabah Nur, alongside Alexandra Shipp's Storm and Olivia Munn's Psylocke.

Check out the other photos here.

X-Men: Apocalypse, X-Men Apocalypse Trailer