Joe Jackson, Patriarch Of Musical Jackson Family, Brought To Hospital On 87th Birthday

Joe Jackson, the father of the late superstar Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson and the architect of the Jackson Five, was to celebrate his 87th birthday in Brazil, but he suffered from a stroke and ended up being confined on Sunday afternoon at the Albert Einstein hospital in Sao Paolo.

Metro has learned that Joe Jackson, born Joseph Walter "Joe" Jackson, was brought to the hospital after reportedly waking up feeling dizzy and losing his vision. And the doctors attending to him are still running some tests to determine if Jackson, who happens to be diabetic should fly back to the U.S. and look for specialist medical treatment.

According to Daily News, an emailed statement early Monday from the Albert Einstein Hospital stated that the 87-year-old Jackson was confined to the said hospital Sunday afternoon. He was then put into the intensive care unit (ICU). The statement added that Joe was suffering from an irregular heartbeat.

However, the provided statement does not exactly mention the condition Jackson has. And questions from the media are not yet answered because the hospital's public relations were not available before business hours on Monday.

Before his hospitalization, his daughter, Janet Jackson, posted a sweet birthday tweet, which read: "Wishing my Father, @Joe5Jackson a Happy Birthday. I want to tell the world, I love and honor you."

Because of the incident, Joe Jackson wasn't able to attend to his own birthday party since he was rushed to a hospital.

Meanwhile, on his offical website, some photos of the talent manager dining in Sao Paolo restaurants have been posted in the recent days.

This is not the first time Joe suffered from a stroke; he reportedly suffered three previous strokes in the past.

Last Nov. 2012, the former Jackson Five manager had a mild stroke and complained of feeling pain in his head and experiencing difficulty standing. He was treated at a Las Vegas hospital at the time, US Magazine reports.

Michael Jackson