The film follows Batman, played by Ben Affleck, who has been battling crimes in Gotham City for two decades, and has encountered the numerous super-villains present in the "Suicide Squad" trailer over the years. However, an undisclosed tragedy caused him to withdraw from the hero act.
Film director Zack Snyder also confirmed that Batman is indeed responsible for jailing Harley Quinn and Joker among the many members of the Suicide Squad, supporting theories that the Batman scenes from the "Suicide Squad" trailer are as a matter of fact, prequel shots, IGN News reported.
"We are playing him 45 or 46," Snyder told Empire Magazine. "He has been Batman for 20 years. All the history is there. Was there a Robin at one time? Possibly. We want to assume that Batman has reached this point in his life and career as a superhero, and Superman represents a sort of philosophical change."
He added, "He is a paradigm shift for Batman: 'I've been fighting criminals all my life, trying to find justice, and now I am confronted with a concept that is transcendent to me.' In the face of Superman, a man robbing a bank doesn't matter. He's having a crisis of conscience. 'Am I really just a vigilante who stalks the alleys of Gotham?' It is rich stuff that he deals with. Ben does an amazing job."
Meanwhile, with a glimpse of the ruins of the Wayne Manor in the trailer, fans are wondering what could have happened in the last 20 years and where Bruce Wayne is living at the moment.
The full details of the tragedy which led Batman to hang up the cape and cowl were not disclosed, but according to "Batman V Superman" production designer Patrick Tatopoulos, Bruce Wayne is still the rich playboy, only that he now lives in a picturesque lakeside home known as the Glasshouse, which can be seen at a very briefly in the trailer, instantly after the Wayne Manor ruins scene, as per Screen Rant.
Superman, portrayed by Henry Cavill, on the other hand, is residing at the heart of Metropolis and is actually sharing an apartment in the city with Lois Lane, played by Amy Adams, Tatopoulos shared. No further details about the pair's romance were available, but it is a strong indication that their relationship has reached the next level after several years.
Among other things that have been bugging fans is the presence of Aquaman, played by Jason Momoa, in the movie. Despite of failing to directly confirm the hero's presence, Snyder reportedly hinted that we won't be seeing much of him in the upcoming flick by simply commenting, "You will understand he exists."