5 Most Rewarding Jobs

Everyone would like to wake up each morning and be happy to go to work. Unfortunately this is not the case for many Americans. It is important to love what you do while feeling as though you are doing a service to others. Choosing a career that provides personal happiness really makes for a more fulfilled life and less stressful work environment. 5 jobs that not only put smiles on the faces of those served, but also on the faces of those serving, are listed below:


Although this job really tests the patience of those working in this field, teachers have the opportunity to educate and make a difference in so many lives through their job. This brings a feeling of fulfillment in knowing that you have the potential to make a positive impact on the lives of growing minds.

Doctor/ Nurse

People in these fields typically tend to have a desire to help others. Being able to use a nurturing personality to reach out and help people on a daily basis serves as very rewarding. Aside from the long hours and difficult situations these jobs place people in, just being able to have pride in your work and having a title that many people could only wish for, can be rewarding in and of itself.

Charity Worker

This is rewarding choice of work as it allows employees to make a difference, oftentimes in their own communities, and to help those less fortunate than themselves. The very fact that you can make a difference in the lives of those who might have otherwise suffered, serves as extremely fulfilling.

Emergency Services

On a daily basis, people who work in emergency services get the opportunity to save lives. This not only helps satisfy a feeling of adventure, but it also serves as a large contribution to the well-being of others, making it a job well worth doing.


Being a chef allows lots of room for creativity and imagination that many other jobs do not leave room for. Being able to have the personal satisfaction of creating something beautiful for others to enjoy can really make this job very pleasurable.