"The Hunger Games," a young adult novel by Suzanne Collins, eventually becoming a record-breaking science fiction action film, received so many enthusiasts and raked in $155 million during the movie's opening weekend. It was announced that the trilogy will become four movies, with the final book being split in two.
Lionsgate made the announcement and many may have brought to mind "Twilight," as the trilogy was also expanded into four films, with the final book being divided into two parts.
The film adaptation of the second "The Hunger Games" book, "Catching Fire" is set for a November 22, 2013 release with filming to begin this fall. According to Rolling Stone, earlier this week, Philip Seymour Hoffman officially joined the cast of "Catching Fire," as the new Gamekeeper Plutarch Heavensbee.
"Kids killing kids" is how the first installment was often described, as it illustrates the annual Hunger Games where children fight to the death. 24 children enter the Games and only one can survive. This film, rated PG-13, was tactful in depicting these deaths, so the viewers were left using their imagination.
Part 1 of "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay" is scheduled for release in November 2014, with Part 2 to follow in November 2015.